3 March 2010

Designing Process Of The RLNC Logo - Part One

Here I will now take you through the step-by-step designing process of our RLNC Logo, used at the beginning of our film (shown below),

The idea for this logo came from my profile picture on Facebook (shown below)
Coretta then suggested making cartoon characters of ourselves and putting them into one image, with our initials being the name of our production, great idea aye?

(1) The first step was creating a background, which was very easy (below),

(2) Then I had to create our cartoon characters, many changes were made to our characters and I will take you through each characters change.

Above is myself (Nickie), initially I had red hair, but then wanted to make it a little realistic in then sense that i would never dye my hair that colour and black would not have shown up, so I went for a honey blonde/brown and got the perfect result (Shown Below).

Lydia - had quiet a few changes made to her character, however i shall only take you through some changes for it'll be boring to go through every step.

This was Lydia's initial design, reason why I gave her red hair was because at the time she had dyed her hair red, so I thought it would be significantly realistic to give her red hair. However when analysed by Lydia herself she disliked it and wanted brown hair instead the cheek.. (shown below)

Then Lydia hated the fact that I had left out her flower, (woops) she also decided she would prefer a bob instead of the hairstyle I had given her, taking all these points into account I created her final cartoon as shown below,

Coretta along with Lydia were the two picky ones out of our group, I was extremely please with my design for Coretta's cartoon character (below)

But Coretta wasnt please with the WEAVE, and wanted a bob also, the cheeeek! So I pimped her hairstyle out and kindly took her want into consideration and gave her a bob (shown below)

The process for Rula was very straight forward and no changes were made with my initial design (shown below) :).

(3) With all characters designed and finished, it was then time to add all elements together, the background the characters and moosh'em together, shown below:

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