28 February 2010

Analysis - On Filming Session Part Three

Friday 26th February 2010

After looking at everything that we filmed the last two sessions, RLNC decided that we had a few things that we needed to re-film as some shots didn’t turn out how we expected and also the lighting in the house was too dark. We also had to film the fighting scene and the washing of hands.
Originally RLNC and the cast planned to start filming at 6pm, we planned on getting everything completed by around 8pm, as we didn’t have a lot to do this was a realistic target. Unfortunately a few people were running late, causing us to have to start filming an hour later, this meant we would finish a lot later than we planned. Once everyone had finally arrived, it was time to start filming.
One of the main problems we had at our last filming session was lighting, as Olu’s house lights were extremely dim when we watched what we had filmed it was too dark and we could hardly see what was happening on screen. This time we wanted to make sure our lighting was perfect, so in order to achieve this we used tea lights and a lamp to make the room a little lighter, this also helped 2 create romantic effect for the phone call scene.
After the last filming session we realised that the camera was a bit tilted during some of the filming, so this time we ensured that all shots were aligned straight and that all shots were steady. As we were now more experienced with the camera we were able to get alot of different shots for each clip.
In previous filming sessions we had problems with the camera battery going dead, so this time we made sure we had a spare battery with us. This worked in our favour, as our battery did die but thankfully we had the spare one, so we were able to carry on filming as normal.
We managed to successfully film everything that was needed by around 9:30pm. We are all extremely pleased with what we achieved in our last filming session, and also relieved that we have now completed all of our filming. Thanks to all the help, time and cooperation of RLNC and the cast.

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