17 January 2010

The Targeted Audience

Being a group filled with teenage girls, it seemes most sensible to create a film to appeal to an audience of similar ages. Therefore, our target audience are teenagers aged from 14-19. The events of our film are likely to attract a male dominated audience due to the gang violence and prison scenes but there is also an appeal to young teenage girls as we see the main female character struggling to come to terms with teenage pregnancy and the infidelity of her boyfriend. The occurances of the opening sequence are all relatable and our target audience will most likey know someone or have personally been involved in the situations.

Sugarhouse Lane is a british film starring Adam Deacon. This film has a target audience for ages 14-19 and has helped us to understand what we must include and how we must film in order to attract our prospective audience.

In terms of venue, we must base our film in familiar areas such as, open roads, public parks, highstreets etc. When scripting, we must ensure that the language used is colloquial and identical to the way in which urban teenagers speak nowadays using present slang and gestures. People of authority will have posher voices than the younger ones, signifying the differences in agegroups.

As it is an Urban Drama, the scenes will be based in a lower classed environment. It is an inner city film, therefore the cast that we will used will be of mixed ethnicities to symbolise the variety of culture that lies in cities.

Keeping the content simple and understable yet interesting will allow us to maintain the focus and interest of our target audience and possibly attract an older audience.

The scene below from Sugarhouse Lane depicts an excellent example of how our opening scene should be. The language used is relatable, there is a mixture of ethnicity and the occurances of the scene are common events that occur in inner city life.

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