8 April 2010

What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?

The MAC had alot of programs that I've never used before, which made it a learning experience and some programs made life easier for the editing part of our project.

The editing part of the project was pretty straight forward however the process was rather loong at times. Using the iMovie program on the MAC we were able to cut, paste, trim, add effects and even extracts sounds, cool aye! That was my favorite part of the project, as it was quite relaxed also, even though I got a bit stressed at times when things went a bit crooked.

Oh Lord help us!

Then we used another program to make changes to our logo soundtrack.. which was very tricky, but we got there in the end..

So from this process of creating our product we/I have learnt how to edit i.e. extract and move sounds from clips, import clips from the video camera and making sure it does not LETTERBOX (jheeez), we've also learnt how to include transitions, sound effects, video effects etc..

All smiles aye! Genius..
Programs & internet helpers..
1. iMovie - used to cut and trim clips, import sound etc..
2. Garageband - used to edit our soundtrack
3. Google - used to find images
4. iTunes - used to import music
5. Facebook - used to contact members of the group
6. Photoshop - used to edit pics
7. Blogger - used for planning and keeping up to date with our project

Aren't we proud?

Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?

This is Beatrice Simpson. She is 17years old, and she lives in South East London. She follows the high-street trend i.e. Shoe-boots, Jeggings and Jeans Jackets (shown above).
She enjoys chilling with her friends, and shopping at the weekends with her pocket money. She shops in places like H&M and River Island, New Look, Primark and Topshop.
She would be a Facebook addict, and would definetly enjoy raving with her girls.
The type of music she would listen to would be mainly R&B, Hiphop, Pop & Funkyhouse.
She enjoys watching British (youth/street) films such as Kidulthood, Adulthood & Shank.
I think our film would appeal to this girl because she is your average teenage girl from South East London, who enjoys street lingo and therefore if this film was screening at her local cinema this will appeal to her, as she watches British dramas like so.

Immediately from the first character seen in the first two minutes of the film, most viewers may agree that the product is targeted at youths/young adults just by glancing at the first 5seconds, especially with the first sentence "I never thought i'd lose the most three important things in my life in one day..." from this sentence the viewers are instantly aware that it is a real-life issue (drama) and the characters image and voice also instantly gives the viewers the sense of ages they may be looking at i.e. 17/18.

This is Shola Sho. He is 18years old, and lives in South East London. He enjoys chilling with his friends round the blocks. He's interested in his educatio, making money, his looks and girls. He shops in places like H&M, Topman, Uniqlo, New Era, Gap and he very rarely visits outlets where he purchases his designer gear. He enjoys raving with the lads.
The type of music he would be interested in would be Garage, R&B, Hiphop, Grime and Funkyhouse. He would watch action films, Britsh drama and maybe horror when he visits the cinema. I think our film would appeal to him because it is based on the issues faced in everyday life within the society of youths, and it is similar to the type of films he would view at the cinema i.e. Kidulthood etc.

How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?

Although Christina is nothing like the character of Shaniqua we chose her because she is quite good friends with Olu and she would be the perfect person to do the bedroom scene with Olu(Ashley) and because she has the potential look that would suit Shaniqua's character. Christina plays a similar character (Shaniqua) to Antonia Thomas (Alisha) in Misfits, who is quite promiscuous and in other words 'Slutty', they both like drawing attention to themselves, they wear tatty, however clingly clothes and both play the innocent act.. They are girly girls, however will not back down when it comes to business and they certainly go for what they WANT.
They both fit the stereotypical promiscuous teenage girls of modern society.

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop Or Challenge Forms And Conventions Of Real Media Products?

Setting/Location - the reason why we chose the park and Ashley's (Olu) house as our setting/location was because the park went really well with the fac that Alicia was pregnant as there were children playing in the background.

Then we also used Ashley's house in the sense that it was a good effect to have Alicia catch her boyfriend & Shaniqua in the act, and yes! that turned out well.

Costumes & Props - although I was the stylist on set, there weren't much things I could style. On the day of our first filming session I just worked with what the actors/actresses had and added a few extra touches. However many props were used:
1. Pregnancy Test
2. Fake Blood
3. BB smartphone
4. Trophy
All those are little props compared to the bigger ones used on set i.e. Swings in the park, Bed etc.

Camerawork & Editing - This is shot is showing the whole running sequence from the park to Ashley's house, as soon as Jermaine shouts at Alicia "No, Wait" the music begins and plays throughout the running scene. As the running is going on you can see the follow up of both characters, i.e. the reverse shot of Alicia's feet to Jermaine's. Then as Jermaine is approaching Ashley's house it goes into slow motion which is a great effect and then speeds up just before he enters the house, amazing!

Title Font & Style - We went for a more army/street type of look for Font and decided it'll make the fact that our genre is drama stand out. The framing at the beginning is just the spelling of each characters name as they'e being introduced subconsciously. Then at the end of the 2minutes the sound of the jailbars brings the 'LOVE' & 'LOCKDOWN' together aggressively.

How Characters Are Introduced - At the beginning Alicia is the lead of who introduces the characters as, as she is talking and addressing the situation their names are written across the screen.

Special FX - We used a slow motion effect to enhance/exaggerate the intense moment of when Jermain is running after Alicia to Ashley's house, it really made a good effect on the running sedquence.

If The Prezi does not show up Click on the link below (the Prezi) for the Prezi ;p.

How Did You Address/Attract Your Audience?

Unfortunately, it is difficult to read the questions shown in the titles at the bottom of the screen due to the dimensions of the video screen so....

Listed Below Are The Questions That We Asked Our Audience.

1) What Did You Think About Love Lockdown?

2) Are There Any Particular Scenes That Tickled Your Fancy?

3) Are There Any Characters That You Can Personally Relate To?

4) Are There Any Scenes In Love Lockdown That Caused You Any Confusion

5) What Changes, If Any, Would You Make?